*alphamom All the valentine-ing yesterday made me want to share this story, even though it's a day late: When I used to go to co-op, we got a huge influx of generic valentines every year. Remember the store-bought valentines in packs of 100 that have like, little cheap candies and stickers attached to them? When we got home, we would sort them, find the (semi) cool ones, save them, and throw away the rest (and throw away the ones we saved a couple weeks later). They were never very important to us, except the ones from our friends and people we somewhat liked. I remember one unfortunate new girl who brought valentines for everybody in the class labeled with the recipient's name. I have no idea how she got all the names(maybe from somebody's roster?), but we had to go through all 30+ of them and figure out who the heck was who, and then go around and help her deliver them. It was somewhat hilarious and awkward to go to somebody we didn't know, throw ...