NaNo's coming! Which means I might take a break from posting on this blog, besides for updates. BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER! Why, do you ask? Because today, I was privileged enough to talk to the amazing, hilarious, not-burnt-by-a-grease-fire Abby aka The Director via Skype! When we logged on, for the first five minutes I couldn't do anything but say "hi" and shriek with excitement. It was AWESOME! And I got to talk to her family. It was the awesomest thing my WHOLE week. I'm still hyped about it! During dinner I couldn't shut up about Abby! In case you don't know Abby, go check her out! But that's not the best part! Abby and her family are coming to Southern CA next week to visit family, because her mom grew up in the same county as I live in! And I will meet her IN PERSON!(and hopefully her amazing family) It's on my bucket list, to meet at least one online internet entity in per...