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the hunger games pre-movie post
Mostly a bunch of gifs/pics/vids in tribute(haha, see what i did there? Tribute?) to the ginourmous Hunger Games fandom. I criticize it all the time, but hey, the series is good XD.

And besides, the new Dance Moms episode is taking forever to load.

I've been preparing for the movie by watching an appropriate amount of behind the scenes, interview, and released clip vids as well as parodies. And can I just say Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson might be my two new favorite celebrities. I've seen Josh Hutcherson in two movies before, Bridge to Terabithia and RV.I still can't believe it's the same guy. He's so funny XD

1. Did you read The Hunger Games before or after you knew about the movie?

2. How did you find out about The Hunger Games?
Mostly word of mouth. A bunch of people, my best GS friend, some people we were camping with, and Qui all helped.

3. Which is your favorite released scene?
This one.

4. Which scene are you looking forward to the most in movie?
I'm looking forward to seeing the tributes training in the center, most of the epic battle scenes in the arena, and especially the "I BLOW SUPPLIES UP IN THE AIR SOMTIMES SAYIN AAYYOOH TAKE THAT CATO" part.
5. Which scenes are you dreading?
All the death scenes. Especially the tracker jackers and the mutts. I'll probably have to close my eyes/cover my ears.

6. Who's your favorite/best cast actor in the movie besides Jennifer and Josh?
Probably Isabelle Fuhrman as Clove..She's so pretty and good at being scary and perfect. She's going to nail her (cough) one scene.

Also, the chick playing Glimmer, and Amandla.(She's so cuuuteee)


So let's get to parodies.

I am disappointed by the lack of good Hunger Games song parodies out there. Most of them have uncatchy lyrics or bad editing, and unprofessional recording.(Of course, I'm just whining-the most recording I've ever done is my spanish assignments on my computer mic.)

If you're unfamiliar with this "I Wanna Go" video parody, you should not call yourself a true fan.

 It's so awesome..and funny..and weird and perfect XD. No spoilers

I also really like this one. Beware the spoilers. The song is perfect too.
So, midnight premiere tonight...I don't have tickets, mainly because I want to see it with my parents and they haven't finished the book yet...I'm not worried about missing it completely, I just don't want the world to be burned out by the time I finally see it.

More Isabelle Fuhrman pics(Why oh why can't I look like her?) XD I'm not a fan of her character in the books, but she's so prettttty XD


Wish she could (cough) come back as another character in the next movie.


  1. Dude... I didn't give you THAT much gasoline! XDD
    Great post, and I just love that group picture. Rue's actor is so CUTE! I'm confused by her hair, though. On moment it's poufy and curly, the next it's black and straight. Oh, well :P

  2. awsome post. That is one thing i havent' done i think i have seen a whole 2 commericals and thats it. I do love that peeta scene you have. I am definitly looking foward to the movie but have no idea when i will see it. Kinda nervous about seeing it too. the dog scene is definitly going to be ruff oops mean rough. but one of the scenes (a particualar "little" death scene i think is going to be the worst) though the tracker jackers is going to be hard to watch too. I definitly need to bring kleenex. anyway love the photos and video on here Great post God bless

  3. I wasn't able to watch it, but I stayed up until 12, and then said, "and may the odds be ever in your favor".

  4. Woooo!!!! XD Awesomeness. I am sooo not into Hunger Games but it's been the topic of global conversation for the past few months/weeks, so I know enough about it. I love the "Tissues For your Cryes" XDDDDDDDD

    MTOEBIYF (may the odds ever be in your favor...MTFBWY is catchier though)
    JC <3

  5. I cannot WAIT to see the movie! I didn't go to the midnight premiere, either, but my whole family is going to see it Monday afternoon. (TOMORROW!! AAHH I CAN'T WAIT!!) We even got my dad to read the books, which was awesome because he's not a big reader. :) We're all super psyched to see the movie!

    Also, all of the parodies - including the one without a video, "I blow supplies up in the air sometimes" - are EPIC! xD My friend showed me the "I Wanna Go" one, but I hadn't seen the "Grenade"'s fantastic!

    And I totally agree. Isabelle Fuhrman is so cute/pretty! I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I plan to! ;)


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