I guess the most important thing is that we finished building our robot! It was a lot of work. My group was the first to be done by far! :D We would have been faster if we hadn't blown a fuse XD.
The wiring was the most work. Here are some in progress pics and a demo video I made XD.
A picture of Trang and me in front of the dome! :D
Everyone here is very smart and nice and they really encourage us to get to know everybody. Since we were delayed in building the robot we were a lot behind and had to come into lab from 9-11PM when we weren't originally going to. We had outings today with our cluster(kind of suite mates) and we went to Toscanini's ice cream and to go look at the view from Harvard Bridge.
A lot of groups went to Harvard and didn't get back till 9:30, including half of the Underwater Robotics class. So this means we didn't actually start class until nearly 10. We got back at midnight but still had homework to do. XD It was easy though, just design for a robot which we will be building to accomplish a task. Most of the other students were still working. The Architecture students were all building really complicated looking structures in the lounge. XD
I made the decision to stay up later since I still had energy and since we were working straight from 7:40 to midnight, we really couldn't get to have fun and relax a little without staying up late. So when I finished the homework at around 12:30 I decided to hang out and play foosball until the curfew at 1 XD. If I didn't stay up late I wouldn't really get to hang out with all these amazing people and get to know them so I may as well take the opportunity. XD One of them is a really good programmer and was mentally programming writing the commands down in his notebook during lecture. Another is a nationally ranked swimmer who gets up at 5:15 every day to train for the World Junior Swimming Championships.
There are exactly three asians here including me. A LOT of people from California. I think it is the most represented state. There is one girl from Orange County(Santa Ana) so that was pretty cool!

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Amaranthine <3's you. Thanks for the comment!