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Random SW Tuesday: Reprint

I'm reprinting this one. It's one of my favorites. I'll post more later! 

And Yay! I won Audrey's giveaway. I'll get back to you on that.

♫Duh-duh duh DUH!♫
Council: He is too dangerous to be kept alive. Darth Caedus must be killed.

Tenel Ka: This is a fact.

Lowbacca: Rawhrrahwra!

Em-Teedee: Master Lowbacca heartily concurs with the assessment of the Jedi Council on this matter. Personally, I think it is so dangerous to go on yet another adventure that my circuits may just overload!

Zekk: I'm too tainted by the dark side for this mission. I was once the darkest knight of the Shadow Academy!

Raynar: But we young Jedi Knights (even though we're not all that young anymore) are BETTER TOGETHER!

Jaina: So, what are we waiting for?

(Darth Caedus walks in, running a hand through his tussled hair.)

Caedus: Hey, anyone want to hear a joke?

Em-Teedee: Oh my--we're doomed!

Jaina: *stabs Caedus*

Caedus: *dies*

(Jedi Master Luke Skywalker walks in, smiling at his not-so-young-anymore Jedi Knights.)

Luke: I'm very proud of you almost-middle-aged-now Jedi Knights. You showed that with teamwork, trust in the light side, and the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, you can vanquish the latest overplayed threat and even commit fratricide in the name of the galactic good.

Jaina: Wow, thanks Uncle Luke!

Zekk: And I wasn't touched by the dark side this time, unlike that joke-telling animal-obsessed chump!

Lowie: Rawhrrahwra!

Em-Teedee: I quite agree, Master Lowbacca. I am just glad that we're finished with this perilous adventure. I think that I shall power down in the recharge chamber now.

Raynar: We really did it because we stayed together.

All: BETTER TOGETHER!                    

(Camera fades to black.)

My references are getting more obscure every week. xD

What's up next?

Things SW characters would never say:

Yoda: It's not easy being I'm dying myself purple!

Han: Threepio, tell me the odds.

Yoda: OK it is, just try your best, you should.

Tahiri: "The ground's too hard! Someone get me some shoes, quick!"

Jacen: I'm bored. idea I'll pull the wings off a few flies. 

Captioned Picture:

"You stupid, Human slime, you'll never wi—ooh, look, twenty dollars!"

A quote:

"Some beings are born lucky. Some are born pretty. Never both. I suppose that makes you lucky."
Khedryn Faal, to Reegas Vance[src]
BURN!...... hehe.
And an entry from Kwenn's Unwookieepedia(REAL definitions of SW characters.)

Borsk Fey'lya

"People hate me because I'm a Bothan; not because I'm a completely amoral sell-out." ―Borsk Fey'lya
Borsk Fey'lya was a Bothan. Yeah, you can see where we're going with this. During the Thrawn crisis, he tried to usurp control over the New Republic Defense Force by saying that he didn't care whether or not soldiers died just because they didn't want to vote for him. Apparently, Fey'lya never learned two major rules of politics: Always support the troops, and never tell the truth on an open intercom. Everyone forgot about him until the Yuuzhan Vong War, when he was elected Chief of State in the largest vote they had seen (seriously, how many people did he bribe?). When Coruscant fell, he blew himself and twenty five thousand Vong up rather than run in fear and eat major crow for the rest of his life. As a way of saying thank you, the Bothans declared a genocide in his honor.Man, Bothans are messed up. Seriously, who'd let a talking horse lead the Galaxy


  1. Okay, this one wasn't as funny as some of your past SW Tuesdays. I'm guessing that's because I have read the books you mentioned. I'm working on getting there, though.

  2. :P That was funny! ;) I like the picture, I literally LOLed at that one. xD ;)

  3. LOL..!! That really made my day. It was soooo funny. Almost died laughing there~!!

    May the Force be with you..!

  4. LOL!! I love this post. XD Thanks for making me laugh!

    -Barriss :-D


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