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Writing Tips(Guest post by Ashley)

I've been blogging for over a year, and I've never ever had a guest post. Ashley has the honor of being my first one! Note that the opinions in this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of moi. -Amaranthine

Hi! Ashley here. I'm guest posting, which, I think is simply loverly.  (BTW, isn't loverly a great word?).

So, Amaranthine here asked me to do a post on Writing.  I'll profess, I'm not a professional.  I'm still learning how to write a lasting novel.  But, I'll share what I've learned, and maybe it will be something you don't know yet, and I can aid you  on your journey!

Tip 1:
Know your characters

I can't emphasize this enough.  When I started out writing when I was about 8, I controlled my characters to such an extent that they had no life of their own. (If you're not a writer, you will think the rest of this tip really weird, but, if you're not a writer, why are you reading this?).  I almost gave up writing, because my characters were so stupid and they literally were ultra boring.  They had no life outside of what I wanted them to be.  They never branched out and became.  I got really down and out.  And, for about 2 years, I wrote nothing.  Do you know how hard that is? To have ideas, yet refuse to write them due to a feeling of failure?  Well, I got this great idea on day, the sort that keeps you awake at night.  The type that branches, and grows.  The idea that begs to become something.  I decided to give writing one more shot.  And if that didn't work, I'd quit. For good.  Well, I got to know my characters.  I wrote SO many character sketches, I had stacks everywhere.  Then, something happened.  My characters.  They were...different.  They were people.  Not figments of my imagination.
I felt like Alice, I was in a new world. 

It was awesome. And weird.  My characters became like my Mad Hatter, my White Queen, I was thinking, "Hey! This is my story! What are you guys doing here ruining everything?!"  Contrary to what I thought, though.  After I was one with my peoples, my writing improved, I mean, it must've! Here I am now.  Thoroughly dedicated!

Some ways to get to know your characters are to scour the internet until you find a picture that fits your mental image of them.  We are naturally visual creatures.  If we can 'see' something, it seems more real.
Character sketches~ you can NEVER do to many.
And, if your character is trying to tell you something, listen, that might just open a door to your own personal wonderland!

Tip 2:
Music is a must!

I have almost gotten to the point that I can't write beautifully without music! It is just so dramatic! It helps you add drama to your writing, just try it.  Even now, as I am writing this post, I'm listening to songs by Danny Elfman.  Boy, I love that guy's music.

Tip 3:
Stop, drop, write!

Brilliant ideas often come at the oddest times.  While washing dishes, doing school, walking through walmart.  Naturally, you can't run home and write down your great idea if your shopping, but I carry a small notebook in my purse at all times!  I'm a fast writer, so it is no time at all to write down that perfect line or idea that just popped into my head!  I've even stopped washing dishes, ran to my room, and written a whole page of perfectness!  Always be prepared to write down that inspiration.  I don't always do that, and I pay the full price.

Tip 4:
Read how you want to write

It's true! Read Dickens, right like Dickens.  Read what you want to write.  Read mostly romance, guess what you'll write?

Tip 5:
Don't just write. Be an imaginer.

Yes.  If you really want to 'get' it, you have to always imagine.  It opens up our minds.  I'm rarely bored while in Walmart.  I imagine what people are doing, why they look so happy, what in the world happened to make their faces a permanent frown.  My mind is constantly writing other people's stories!

Tip 6:
When block calls, give it a break

Whenever I get writer's block, I give my writing a break. It usually signifies I need to refill my creative thoughts, and that I'm pushing it too hard. Relax! When you get writer's block, do something you never get to do due to writing.

Tip 7:

For most people, I guess this isn't a problem, but I'm stingy with who gets to read my stuff.  And the few is VERY few indeed. I think only one or two people actually read the whole thing.  And, I therefore, don't get much encouragement from others. This is something I really wish I had, and am working on right now!

And, just write.  Never forget your a writer.  Its a great calling.  A writer has the abilities to change the world, or calm it.
Write what you know.
Write what you love.
and, if possible, love what you write.

Hello! Ashley here.
I'm many things in many ways.
Writer, photographer, Big Sister, Daughter, Christian, Major Trekkie, And top secret member of the Q. Don't tell anyone!, Column writer to THIS magazine, I blog at Cheery-O, My writing blog is Pencil Ink, My photography blog is It's Natural,  I post my book reviews at The Epic Reader,  I help the role play at Cleiti (I write Erin and Maithrim!). And, at Inkblots I post on Tuesdays. Sometimes.


  1. GREAT post! :) All of those tips are really important, I think.

  2. It was an honor to do so, Amarathine! Guest posting is a lovey of mine, heehee.

  3. Awesome post, Ashley! I loved all the tips, they're really helpful! :D

  4. This was amazing! A BIG help XD


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