This is kind of a rant/ramble about Ender's Game and The Hunger Games and how they relate to each other (BESIDES the fact that they both have "game" in their title.) I'm mad because I JUST found out that they pushed the movie release date back EIGHT MONTHS. TO NOVEMBER. Apparently, it's part of a publicity thing by Lionsgate(who is making the film under the imprint Summit Entertainment) to get it more publicity. They're releasing the film two weeks before the release of Catching Fire. Do you guys think this is smart, or neh? I just reread the book and was thinking about it. It was great! I experienced it all over again. XD I hope the movie is good! Card is a co-producer, so it should be good! I think Ender's Game and The Hunger Games can attract the same following. They're both dystopia/futureish, both have the same themes about morality, and both involve unique children forced into battle against each other and str...