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Showing posts from October, 2010

Will not be silenced

I am sooooo frustrated at Blogger right now. It's messing up my page layout for no reason. I like to click around on the blogger bar that says "next blog". From there, I can check out random blogs around the community. I know that's what Blogs Of Note is for, but I have a bit of an ego, and it gets me down when I'm constantly bombarded with blogs that are better than mine. ( Doh! Why didn't I think of that idea?) my inner blogger yells at me. From clicking around on the blog community, I have noticed these consistencies: ~Parents like to post pictures of their babies. ~Teenage girls like to post pictures of fashion, or music, or their lives ~artists(THEY always get lots of followers) post pictures of there art. ~other people post random pictures of random things. I just clicked the "Next blog" button twice. The first was one about inspiring photos.(see?) The second one was lots of pictures of a little boy in a language which I can't compre...

Thank Goodness

It's almost the weekend. This week has been the absolute longest of my life. Hey, guess what- This weekend is Halloween! That means- costume debut! (actually, I already debuted my costume at my Senior/Ambassador Girl Scout party. They liked it. They kept stealing my lightsaber and trying to hit people with it. I forgot that playing with lightsabers is actually a rare occurrence to some people.) But, this weekend is my church's Halloween fair. And given the size of my church, there will be a lot of people there, hopefully in costume. I'll take pictures! I'm still trying to figure out how to show you a picture of my costume without showing my face. Maybe I'll just put a censor bar or something on it. Also, I'm playing keyboard in the church band! I'm not that nervous-it's just that I'm not used to playing in a band, where you get the chord letter and you have to improvise. I'm totally going to get it, though. Amaranthine NaNo starts Monda...

Sometimes I think life will kill me.....that sounds weird when you think about it

As this seems to be the popular topic on most of my friends' blogs, I will confess: This will be my first NaNo this year. I'm a little nervous. I barely have time to post here! Luckily, I already know exactly what I'm going to do. My username is: Amaranthine, so you can add me if you'd like. If you don't do Nanowrimo, I'd advise you to check it out if you like writing: Still working on novel review, I"ll keep you posted(Ha.) PS. I'm reviewing Fate of the Jedi, the current series, and hence the most popular. PPS. Any tips on surviving November?  

Random SW Tuesday

Hello. This morning I was miserable, I felt like I had no friends, and that I was trapped in a meaningless existence.  Then I realized it was because I had forgotten to eat breakfast. Anyways, now I feel much better. Here's your post. From TFN(sorry I couldn't credit each author individually): Things Star Wars Characters Would Never Say: Palpatine : "Can't we all just get along?" Leia: "I need a vacation. I don't care about the state of the galaxy right now." Kyp: Luke, Jacen, I've been thinking, and I've decided that you two were really right all along. Han: You're right, Leia, the Falcon 's a piece of junk. I'm trading her in for a Sorosuub luxury yacht.  Padme: "Ani, maybe we should take some time off from our relationship while you resolve your anger issues." Vergere: Everything I tell you is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth!!! Tenel Ka goes running along with headphones on: 'I'm...


Hurg. Piano competition(bleahhh) @1. Pray for me! Must. Start. Silver. Award report. I really should do it when I get back. Small group today-oh, and I need to finish my costume. By tomorrow. My hem is about 5 inches too long and dragging on the ground......argh. And I must buy my Thrice and Rise Against songs on iTunes. Lab report due tomorrow, and a Halloween party needs to be planned. Bleah. (sigh) And life goes on......

Review Wednsday: Where to start reading in the EU?

  Awesomeness. The Expanded Universe of Star Wars novels can be overwhelming, confusing, and complicated. Most people have no idea where to start? The EU can be difficult to navigate(Wookieepedia is your friend!) but it is so worth it. I wrote a little crash course: The books can be hard to find, but you'll find them all at your local Barnes and Noble's. Promise. I'm only writing about the teen-adult novels. Though if a kid's series is especially good, I'll put that too.  The EU novels are classified into 6 categories: These are ALL chronological in Star Wars time, not publishing time. -Sith Era(Sith related) Lots of Sithness. I know pretty much nothing about this era. -Old Republic. (Old Jedi Order-related) Jedi! Jedi! Jedi!  -Rise of the Empire(The Phantom Menace-Revenge of the Sith. Everything related to the Clone Wars fits in here too.) Nuff said. -Rebellion Era-(A New Hope-Return of the Jedi) What it sounds like. -New Republic Era-(Pretty much t...

Random SW Day

  Disclaimer: This is hilarious for Star Wars fans but really confusing for everybody else.   For today's random day, we'll:  Borrow from the TFN forums:  Some ways you can know you're a EU(or Star Wars) fan:     -a friend asks how much cash you have on you and you say, "uh...about fifteen credits." -You say "Yes Master" to your teachers. -when someone mentions monks, you think of mechanical spiders with brain jars  -You have designed your own superweapon    -When you meet a new group of people and you think talking like Yoda will make you sound smart. Get some gas, we must.   -When you refuse to take painkillers when you are ill because you believe in honoring Yun Yuuzhan. Some things SW characters would never say: Yoda: I only talk funny because it messes with other people's heads. *snickers*   Mara: I'm bored. (lightbulb) Hey, let's go smash my favorite ship into a hanger...

The Power....of comments

  We bloggers live for comments. There is nothing more exciting and encouraging then a good comment, or several good comments!! If you want to encourage a fellow blogger, then comment on one of their posts. Heck, even if the design burns your eyes and the writing leaves much to be desired, a little "Nice post!(with something specific to indicate that you actually read the post)" can't hurt.   So if you know someone with a baby blog, leave them a comment, and make their day! There is nothing worse than the feeling that nobody is reading what you're writing . If you look at my very early posts,  you will see that I had a faithful commenter, (name-AIOFreak or Madeline). She always found something to comment on for every post and really encouraged me. She doesn't update her blog much, anymore, (life is taking priority) but I can say that she may have saved my blog's life.    I wanted to say thanks to you all. I treasure each follower and each...


I can't show any with my face in them, but here are some shots of the cloak in progress. The hood is done and lined, and the cloak is done, but I need to serge them and attach them together. Will easily be done by Halloween. Fabric! I thought that the sewing would be the hardest, but it's the cutting and pinning. Definitely that, and getting the pieces lined up perfectly would be the hardest.   I'm sure real tailors use tables and not the living room floor..... My best friend: Got to be the most unorganized work space in the world: When I sew long seams, I literally take out the pins and chuck 'em back behind the machine, hence the mess behind the machine of pins, fabric remnants, patterns, and who knows what. And you can't see, but my desk is next to this, with my handy PC ready for handy internet browsing while I wait, just for handy internet browsing. I will find a way to post pics of the whole costume soon! The fabric is crushed panne...

Question: How careful should you be on the internet?

You've got to read this article if you haven't heard about this: And you can watch the original video too on youtube, if you want. But he's right: "Asking the internet for mercy is like asking the IRS for a 50% discount." This article raises a lot of questions: and seemingly obvious answers. How careful are you on the internet? I don't have a facebook, twitter, or youtube account, but I can relate to not being careful enough on the computer. I've got my name on here, but I don't post pictures of my face. Some of you don't use your real names, nicknames, or even names at all! Some of you post first, last names, and photos. It all depends on how comfortable you are with the internet. Remember when you posts something for the internet, you're posting it for the world to see. And you have to be careful what you say, because your words can be taken completely out ...

Testing, testing....Review Wednsday!

I don't want to become just another review site.(there are plenty that do that.) But I just wanted to try this review thing, for once. If reviewing isn't my thing, then maybe I'll keep away from it. The Comings and Goings of TCW.   Some of you are going "NOOOO! Not TCW again!" I know some of you think its juvenile and messes with pre-existing canon(and it does.) But yes, there are 10+ viewers who watch it for the sake of canon. Come on, we're looking at 4+ seasons here. If you've got the time, at least watch it for the sake of Star Wars. Last week's episode: Corruption   Watch it on now. Corruption was one of those "character development" episodes, with not THAT much to do with the Clone Wars. But it did a good job at character development.  I hated Satine in Season 2, period. I was disappointed they were going to continue her. In Duchess of Mandalore, she seemed very confused and indecisive. And I wished they would leave M...

Happy Empire Strikes Back Anniversary

Actually, it was some days ago. But Happy Empire Anniversary anyways. Favorite scene: Millennium Falcon fleeing Star Destroyers. (Well, that was more than one scene. Wasn't it awesome , though?)  Favorite second-appearance character: Han Favorite first-appearance character: Yoda. (This is in chronological order.) Favorite quote: Pretty much every single word from Yoda's mouth.   I like this scene though. Yoda : " Stubborn and hard is your head. Soften it we will. " Luke : " I stood on my head to soften it? " Yoda : " Mysterious are the ways of the Force. " Luke : " Did you just make me stand on my head for two hours because I was annoying you? " Yoda : " Very mysterious. " ― Luke Skywalker and Yoda [src]   Okay, that's not from ESB. Oh well.   Least favorite scene: Lando goes to apologize to Han in the cell. (Oh, I betrayed you. Sorry! No hard feelings, okay?)   Favorite behind the scenes pics from Vanity Fair(Th...

My favorite thing on the internet.

By far the best thing on the internet! If you play RP games, OR love Star Wars, this is for you.  It's a web comic called Darths and Droids. You have to have some backstory. If you play RP, this will be a lot easier for you to understand. Jim, Sally, Pete, Annie, and the Game Master are playing a unnamed RP game the Game Master(GM) made up. This is in a universe where Star Wars does not exist. The webcomic makers put screencaps along with the movie as the characters are playing it. They have done the first two movies and continue to update on tuesdays, sundays, and thursdays. MUST. CHECK. THIS. OUT. Their coverage of The Silence Of The Clones is my favorite. A couple of unrelated samples from different movies..(right click, "view image",  to enlarge.) (start at The Phantasmal Malevolence.) My favorite thing on the internet! Amaranthine It might be hard to understand at first, but you'll catch...

Halloween Costume

We don't celebrate Halloween. But this Halloween, I am really excited. I'm making myself a costume this year! This is the first year I'm actually going to have a costume. Hopefully I will get to wear it to a church Halloween event. And maybe trick o treating. I got the idea from here. Did I mention it's going to be a Barriss Offee costume? Barriss Offee is my favorite Old Republic Jedi, even though she gets about 10 seconds of screen time(if even.) But just look at this GORGEOUS costume. (from said link.) I'm just making the cloak, so I don't expect it to be this good. Wish Me luck! I'll post pictures! Amaranthine PS. Do you dress up for Halloween?


   I would love to believe I am a calm, reasonable person who understands everybody and cares about everybody. However... There are some people who just drive me insane. If it helps, they drive a lot of other people insane too. Like this person. She uses "lolz" tirelessly. She's only my age and she cusses and says a lot of inappropriate things. Her grammar leaves MUCH to be desired and she won't let people correct her. And she keeps saying she's "one of the most mature people she knows"!!!! ????????????????? Big, Red, Flashing, Light: When someone says they're mature(In front of people!), they're probably not very. Unfortunately, I have a problem "telling people off." In front of people, I'm calm, and VERY patient. This comes from being a magnet. I have trouble telling people they have trouble, and SO the most annoying people who don't have any other friends follow me around.   And the interesting, cool, nice people  w...