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yes, I AM a princess, why do you ask?(becoming God's princess part 1)
Remember when I had those survey thingys? This is what they were in preparation for.
When I say "princess", what do you think of? Knowing my blog audience, I would say most of you think of Princess Leia. Others will think of floaty dresses, others sparkly tiaras or jewelry. 
The world has long had a fascination with royalty and princesses. We write stories. We make movies. We get up at 1 in the morning to watch them get married on television.

But did you know you are a princess?
If you are a Christian girl, whether you like it or not, then you are a princess. You are a princess with far more possibility and potential and importance than most of the princesses in stories and in real life. Because your father, your king, rules over the whole world and earth. He made everything from the smallest cell to the biggest planet in the solar system. You would think he would be very busy and important, far too busy to notice people like you or me where the only thing we make is messes.

But he knows your name! Out of everybody on the planet, and all the planets in the galaxy, and all the galaxies in the universe, he knows you, one messed up, imperfect speck on a whole planet of other messed up, imperfect specks. He knows what you want and what makes you cry. He knows more about you than you know about yourself.

And he loves you.

A lot of people, a lot of princesses, don't care or take very much notice of that powerful sentence. They plod along in life, thinking "Yeah, Jesus loves me this I know, blah blah blah. I'm a princess, whatever, uh-huh."

That's not what's supposed to happen. Being a princess should rock your world. And that's what these posts are designed to help you do.
So what does being God's princess mean? Think about princesses in general.

From their birth, all princesses know they're not like everybody else. They live in a huge castle while the rest of the common people live in their little houses. Everyone knows their name.

But the biggest difference is their purpose.

While the other people in the kingdom grow up to be shoemakers or whatever, princesses are taught from the beginning that they are set aside.
They have a special purpose in life! They have a  lot of responsibility, and they spend their lives preparing for it. Taking lessons, observing officials, helping with business sometimes, these all help princesses prepare for the day when they will rule the kingdom(Or not, it depends. It's still important.)
We're all kind of like that. From the day we are born again into The King's family, we're set aside for a special purpose and a special time. We live to prepare ourselves(and others) for the day when The King will come back and rule the kingdom again. 

A lot of us have forgotten that. We've forgotten that we're any different from the people around us. Instead of remembering that we've been set apart from this world and it's values, we've been caught and dragged down right with them. Instead of keeping our eyes on the coming kingdom and listening to our father, we've been distracted by the temptations the world offers, the ones that seem so much better than whatever He has to offer us. For now.

Here are the posts in the series. Their titles might change, and they will be spread apart between other posts.

Post #2-The problem with "Me".(The biggest problem in the world)
Post #3-A Princess's Heart(romance, etc.)
Post #4-A Princess's Mind(media)
Post #5-A Princess's Body(modesty)
Post #6-Why Feminism is Skeevy(title soon to be changed)
Post #7-Staying God's Princess till the King returns.

This series is dedicated to Padme/Endor/Moelle. (She knows who she is). When I think of the ultimate God's princess, I think of her. I've been greatly inspired by her efforts to stay princessly in a world that isn't. I'm sad she's closing down her blog. 

Google "becoming God's princess", click on "Images", and the very first picture is a picture of her. I'm dead serious. Try it.

Hope you enjoy the posts.


  1. Okay first of all: Loved this post!

    Second of all:.....Omg, Endor you ARE the ultimate Princess!!!'s%20princess&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1366&bih=667

  2. I loved this post and I can't wait for the next one!

  3. Very good! Can't wait for the rest of them! They'll be swell! :)

    ~Jamie Joyce

  4. Oh my goodness. I'm famous.

    I will definitely be reading these posts! Thank you for dedicating them to me, it means a lot. :D

    I'll be keeping my blog open for as long as I can....

  5. Great post Amaranthine!!!!! So true and very inspiring. :)

    I loved it!

    LOL, I freaked out for Endor. XDDDD SHES ON GOOGLE!!!!!!!!! :D LOL!

    I can't wait for the rest of these posts!!!

  6. Awesome post Amaranthine!!!


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