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Darths&Droids REPRISE

I say "Reprise" because I love reprises in musicals. It's when they sing the same song again, but sometimes with a different twist. Phantom of the Opera is the ultimate reprise musical. Most of the songs are sung at least twice. 

Anyways, back when I wrote about this, no one read it.

Oh wait..before I started writing, I was playing the piano. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw I blur of movement. I thought "Oh! It's the mailman!" But something was weird. He was running really fast...he almost slipped on the sidewalk! And he was swinging his bag and yelling. It turns out the neighbor's dog was chasing him. He swung the bag at the dog and yelled, but it wouldn't stop barking and growling. He was swinging our mail at the dog too. By now they were right in front of our door. He pulled out a can of mace and almost maced my neighbor's dog! But then, I think, the dog gave up and ran back to the house.
The dog isn't a mean dog, he just likes barking and chasing people. He's a yellow Lab.
Our mail was wet. :(

Back on favorite webcomic EVER. Start at the beginning:

These guys screencap the movies like a role playing game. There are about 500 episodes right now-they're in the middle of Revenge of the Sith. They update on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. My favorite days of the week, now. If it's confusing, hang in there. My favorite one they've done is Silence of the Clones(Attack of the Clones).

A couple of unrelated samples-click to enlarge:

If you've played RPG's before, you'll catch on quickly.

Episode 343: In Which the Intricacies and Details of Complex Combat Situations are Handled Masterfully
The guy in the box is the Game Master(GM). Jim is Qui Gon and Padme, Ben is Obi Wan, Annie is Anakin, Pete is R2D2 and Sally plays assorted characters.
Episode 440: Fry, You Fools 

It's really fun! Now, whenever I see the movies, I can't help but think of a bunch of guys sitting together in front of a coffee table with dice. What's really funny is that Jim plays a girl and Annie plays a boy, and they fall in love in "real life".
The main link is one on the main page is yesterday's. Tomorrow a new update! Start at the beginning, though!


PS. My favorite story arc from Darths and Droids. Jango and Boba, played by the GM are attacking Obi Wan(Ben). Padme(Jim, a physics major), Pete(R2D2) and Padme(Annie) are on Tatooine. Demonstrates some of the best of Darths and Droids.
Episode 293: Nuisance Caller

Episode 294: Just Plane Ridiculous

Episode 295: Everyone's a Whiner, Babyx

Episode 296: Mono a Monoculture

Episode 297: You Say Topology, I Say Topography

Episode 298: Smoke Gets in Your Ions

Go read the rest yourself.


  1. I've read some of those in the past before. I never got too far into it though because there were so many to read. =P They are funny though.

    -Leia <3

  2. Those were funny!!! And very interesting about the dog and the mailman. Poor mailman.....

    -Barriss :-D

  3. Thanks for the kind words! We enjoy making them, and we also enjoy browsing the internet to see what people say about them :-)

    Andrew S (of the Comic Irregulars)

  4. Yay! Thank you, Andrew. I live for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays now.


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